Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license in the State of North Carolina are available from the North Carolina State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400.  The license is not an endorsement by the State of North Carolina.

REGISTER HERE for donors, sponsor, and Leadership LINKS Ambassadors events.

1.  ***PREFERRED METHOD for a One-Time Donation*** Send a check or money order made out to "Leadership LINKS, Inc." to our 4214 West Wendover Ave. #1007, Greensboro, NC 27407.

2. THE ASK: BECOME A Leadership LINKS AMBASSADOR TODAY! Set-up a monthly recurring donation of any amount. Set up an online account with Givelify for a one-time contribution or to set-up a recurring donation. (An account set up requires an email address.) Givelify is also available via the mobile app to receive donations by phone or any compatible electronic device.

Step-by-Step Instructions for setting up your recurring donation online:

a.) Visit our website homepage at: 

b.) Click the blue “Give now with Givelify” button in the top right-hand corner.

c.) Choose your recurring donation amount.

d.) When asked, “This Donation Is For”, click on “Where Needed Most” and “Confirm.”

e.) Click “Set Recurring” and choose the frequency of your gift.

f.) Then click “Give Now” to set up your account and provide accounting information. 

3. Set up a recurring payment option with your personal financial institution for monthly contributions to Leadership LINKS, Inc. Contact us at for instructions.

4. Text-to-Give: Text the code MENTORGENERATIONS to 44321

For more information about recurring gifts, feel free to contact us at Thank you in advance